
Generate SSCC pallet labels online

A free service from GS1 Ireland to create and print outer case & pallet labels with an SSCC* in a GS1 128 barcode.

Please note this service is only available to GS1 Ireland members with a GS1 Ireland-issued prefix number.

Download service information leaflet

Sample GS1 Pallet Logistics Label with SSCC web-2

Sample GS1 Pallet Label with an SSCC

*Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)

Registered in Ireland as GS1 (Global Standards 1 (Ireland)). Co. No. 404327. A Company Limited by Guarantee trading as GS1 Ireland.  Office address: 2nd Floor The Merrion Centre, Nutley Lane, Donnybrook, Dublin D04 KF62, Ireland.  T: +353 1 208 0660 E: